Fall Into Plant Based Body Care

I hope to leave you with some easy-to-find foods and herbs that can help you transition from Summer to Fall, warm to cold. A time to load up on the right plant medicines. As well as a great time to understand CBD and cannabis. As it gets cold we will start to get achy.  Learn about the wonderful adaptogen that is about to be legal in NYC.

Move past the blunt  into plant-based body care with food, herbs, CBD, and THC all working symbiotically to keep you aligned and healthy. Take it from me, I’m a 52 year old woman with spinal arthritis, and before I turn to a factory-made pills, I turn to nature. 

I am a pro-ager, I believe in aging naturally with nature and that is why I created Herbas® to help people off pills and into plants.

Self-love starts with your organs: reproductive, heart, brain, abdominal cavity. I have learned that if any of these areas are affected usually if you feel off, your biggest organ will have a reaction. Symptoms like poor immunity, gut/digestive, sleep, arthritis, memory loss, inflammation, acne, constipation, and cysts are all products of imbalances. A direct result of paying more attention to my health has been seeing where that healthy glow comes from and paying attention to triggers.

Balance of all of our organs is key. I find CBD and cannabis to be the equalizer.

CBD in particular helps my brain focus and be calmer. I love CBD. I actually prefer it before yoga and any workout. Believe it or not, THC (the part that is psychoactive) is so much better on your body than a glass of wine after a long day. It’s an adaptogen. Just make sure you use a clean vessel, a water bong is perfect and actually better than a joint. 

Cannabis adapts to whatever you need, it helps you get into your head space on a whole other level when you channel it right. When shopping for cannabis, know your strains. Indicas will bring you down, it’s really good at night. Sativa’s give you energy, not a good one to go to bed- your mind might keep thinking. Now if you ever find yourself too high or an edible hit the wrong way, don’t panic, you cannot OD.  

When thinking of purchasing cannabis, we should look at the terpene (aromatic compounds found in many plants,) profile. This is what gives a strain its personality or mood. Think of terpenes as scent molecules that take plants and aromatherapy into a whole other level. Look at alpha pinene in all conifers or limonene in all citrus fruits. Plants and herbs that share terpene profiles share medical benefits. 2021 cannabis is about wellness and healing in combination with other plants to honor and reward your body.

Now let's go into some tea. Here’s my go to list:


  • Benefits: calming, antispasmodic, analgesic

  • Supports: gas and indigestion

Also super easy to grow, its a weed and propagates super easy


  • Benefits: demulcent, emollient

  • Supports: painful periods, cough, bronchial catarrh 

Green Tea

  • Benefits: more caffeine than coffee and its loaded with antioxidants

  • Supports: brain function, prevents cavities, speeds metabolism


  • Benefits: calming

  • Supports: menstrual cramps, diabetes


  • Benefits: ant-inflammatory, helps with regulating your body temperature

  • Supports: eases headaches, migraines and helps reduce


  • Benefits: Boosts oral health, relieves lowers cholesterol and prevents infections

  • Supports: hot flashes, general congestion, asthma

Follow @bodycare_herbas on Instagram or visit herbasbodycare.com